The director of this extract is trying to show that hostility isn’t always the best measure when it comes to cooperation. The director tries conveying this by making the audience feel some sort of suspense and intensifies these scenes through the use of camera moments, angles, editing and a variety of props. It appears that the author uses this message and the feeling is suspense to appeal to the thriller genre.
The first minute of the extract starts off with a zoom into Nina’s face. The zoom showcases the seriousness of Nina’s attitude and that what’s going to occur is a verse tense matter between her and Jack. This then leads to an eye-line match with Jack staring at a camera that’s in the corner of the room. This leads us to assume that he’s being watched so he has to be careful with what he does. This adds some suspense to the scene since it gives the sense that we don’t know what Jack may be thinking of doing. We then see a shot reverse shot of Jack and Nina looking back at each other until Jack places a piece of paper for Nina to look at. There is diegetic sound of Jack breathing and non-diegetic sound that gives off a chilly feeling. This leads towards the feeling that what Jack and Nina are working towards is a very serious manner and the addition of no dialogue makes the leader focus on the breathing which intensifies the tense mood. There is then a use of cross-cutting of people in another room watching Tv’s that show Jack about to interrogate Nina. The information of knowing that Jack is being watched by others adds to the suspense by showcasing that we’re not the only ones that don’t know what may happen. This first minute is there to build up suspense with the audience and to create the atmosphere for the situation that’s about to take place.
The second minute starts with another eye-line match of Nina glancing at a clock with diegetic sound of the clock ticking. This creates the feeling that time is ticking by and whatever they’re working towards must get done quickly leading the audience to feel suspense since now they’re wondering of things will go how they’re expected to. Now we get dialogue between Jack and Nina and with the continued use of the shot reverse shot we find out they’re working towards finding a bomb. The use of dialogue after a minute of having none showcases that they’re now ready to try and cooperate towards figuring out this issue. A tracking shot of Jack walking around while interrogating Nina is then used which gives off a low angle. This gives Jack and the audience the idea that he has Power over Nina and believes things will happen in his terms. They then continue arguing about how they want things to go until Jack flips a table over. The table flipping and diegetic sound of it slamming on the floor shows the start of the situation turning hostile since Nina isn’t cooperating in the way that Jack wants her to. This lets the audience know the true severity of the situation and intensifies the need of Jack getting what he wants. This second minute starts showcasing the theme of hostility and cooperation through its introduction of dialogue and incorporation of props since it shows the motives of both sides which leads to the movie appealing towards a thriller.
The final minute continues the use of the shot reverse shot and shows a close-up of Jack starting at Nina in silence until he sits down. This showcases anger building up inside of him but him trying to control it all before things get out of hand. Suspense is built through this since it gives the audience a sense that something major will happen soon seeing that cooperating with Nina isn’t going how Jack thought it would. This scene then continues with Nina teasing Jack while he remains silent while incidental music is slowly intensifying. This is there to portray that something is about to happen. This is felt seeing that Jack is completely silent now trying to calm himself, but the music is increasing while this is occurring which shows that Jacks emotions are actually building up. A sense of suspension is added with the music seeing that it contradicts what Jack is showing off. Jack then unleashes his anger and he attacks Nina and we get a two shot of him attacking her. Along with this we get a split screen of the people in the other room rushing to stop Jack. The ability to simultaneously see Jack turning hostile and them rushing to stop them shows the fear the others are feeling while showing Jack unleashing his anger upon not getting what he wanted. The two shot of Jack being hostile while attacking Nina intensifies the suspense and worrisome of what was occurring. This final minute increase the suspense to the tipping point and completed the theme of hostility not being the best resort seeing that it cost the team from possibly getting more information.
Overall, the director's vision was to showcase suspense and thrill in a scene. This was achieved through the uses of many different shots, angles, sounds, editing, props, and so on. An underlying message of hostility and cooperation was also used to intensify the goal of suspense.
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