It is almost the New Year! The past few days I’ve been occupied with family. However today I was able to free up some time to meet up with my group. We all met at one location and got to work. We have a lot of footage so we knew this would be a hefty process. This is because when we filmed we made sure we shot our scenes multiple times and with multiple angles in mind. Having too much film is better then not having enough. We started off but looking at the footage for the first 3 scenes we filmed. When I say there was a lot of footage I mean there was A LOT. We did some slight editing and clipped them together in order to see how naturally they would flow with each other. This isn’t our main editing and is just a basis to decide what footage will be used. We also focused on how the audio sounded like. During filming my neighbor was working outside and there were some difficulties audio based. This means we have to keep in mind which clips have the least disturbance around them. During the reviewing of these scenes we also made sure they included the many movements, shots, and angles that could be used. With my uncle still being in town I was yet again in a time constraint. There was still a decent amount of footage to look through when I had to leave. We have decided to split the rest of the footage among each other to accelerate the process. We trust each other’s judgments so this is perfectly fine for us. Let’s go into 2021 by continuing on a roll!
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Post Filming Update
It’s now been about 5 days since we ended up filming. Since then we have looked at some footage but that is essentially it. That is because Christmas was yesterday. We wanted to give ourselves that day and the days prior so that we could prepare and enjoy time with our families. I personally spent some part of the 23rd looking over as much footage as possible. I didn’t get that far because I had to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Christmas shopping was essentially the basis of my week after filming. My family and I do most Christmas festivities on the 24th much like many hispanic families. So I spent that day with family and relaxed. The 25th was also full of bring with family and feeling cheerful that we were together. Unexpectedly, my uncle came down from Indiana to visit us. He plans on being here for the remainder of my break which puts a hole in my availability. The holiday season can be very hectic when it comes to scheduling. However, filming has been completed and as of now it does not look like we’ll need to re-film. If it is needed though, I will try my hardest to work around my uncles visitation and see if I can get a day to put focus on the short film. I think I’ll be able to and if not then I will try to make my resources available to the best of my abilities. Whether that’s through FaceTime or texting I will do the best to help my group. In the coming days we will finish reviewing the footage. Whether that’s together in person or through the phone we shall see. Afterwards editing will take full charge.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Second Half of Filming
Once Jeffery went outside to continue the scene that involved Paige I got to work with preparing the following scene. The next scene involved the camera prop so i prepared it along with tools so it would be ready for when they were done. Once Paige, Jeffery, and Brooke finished filming their scene Jeffery and Paige changed into their next set out outfits. Once that happened we took a short break. We were on a time constraint but we didn’t want anyone to get burnt out. A rushed product isn’t always the best product. We then got back to work and our actors went to film. That scene involved Paige setting up security cameras and then Jeffery randomly intrudes and freaks her out. Since we film every scene more then once and from different angles that took around another 15 minutes. Once that was done, Paige got ready for her next scene which involved her on a phone call with a friend and then suddenly thinks she hears someone outside. Kelly and I stayed outside while that was filmed so that Paige could concentrate. Jeffery got dressed for his final scene and joined us while he waited. Once again we helped Jeffery read his likes for his final scene. Once Paige finished her scene it led right into her and Jeffery’s final scene in which she confronts him. This scene was delayed because my neighbor was making a lot of noise since he was working on something so I went and asked him if he could stop and continue in about 15 minutes. He agreed and so we finished that scene. I then went and put on a hoodie for the final scene in which I, the ex, got out from where I was hiding, plant a final letter, and walked away. Filming was then and thankfully we finished right on time. I’m really proud of how we all worked on completing this process. I’m also appreciative of Jeffery and Paige coming to film and doing so well. Next up is looking at the footage, editing, and finalizing the film!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
First Half of Filming
Yesterday we were able to film our short film. Thankfully we were able to get every scene done within the time frame we gave ourself. It was nonstop filming and working around the clock from 10 am to 3 pm. Because we filmed so much I’m explaining what we did in two blogs. Once everyone arrived at around 10 we started setting up the props for the first scene. Jeffery and Paige came prepared in their first outfit so we jumped into it straight away. In this scene Paige is moving into her new house and Jeffery startles her and helps her move in. While Brooke filmed this scene, Kelly and I prepared the props for when they would move to filming inside. This took Kelly and I about 10-15 minutes. That was fine because Brooke was still filming the outside film because we make sure to have more then just one recording. Once that was done filming moved inside for where Jeffery noticed Paige looking at a photo of her ex. This took us about another 10-15 minutes. The next scene after that involved Paige pulling up into the driveway and Jeffery staring at her creepily. Since he is the neighbor he had to be on part of my actual neighbors property but I asked him for permission and he said it was okay. Next involved a scene of Paige going on a run so it was time for her first outfit change. While her and Brooke filmed that, me and kelly helped Jeffery rehearse his likes for the next scene he’d be in. During that process I remembered that we forgot to show the actually photo of the ex in the scene prior and planned that we’d just do that at the end so we could work with our schedule. While we waited for Brooke to finish filming that scene Jeffery also changed into his next outfit. It was then time for Jeffery to go outside and seem like he was “stalking” Paige. This last part took about 15-25 minutes.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Morning of Filming
It is currently the morning of December 21st. In just a couple of hours my group and I will begin filming our short film. The goal is to complete all of filming today and that is why we will be filming from 10 am to 3 pm. However, if we do not finish, we have all of break remaining which gives us the flexibility to film more. I woke up at 6 am today in order for filming to flow smoothly. Filming is taking place at my house so I’m making sure my house is firmly prepared for it. Since filming is taking priority I woke up early to make sure everything is ready here and I can get any things done before everyone gets here. I have told the people who live at my house to move their cars because we need the driveway set free. The only other car that will stay is my car because it will be needed for our final scene. I have a big mirror in my living room so i’ve arrange the furniture in a way that allows us to film without the hassle of the mirror. I have prepared my room and the bathroom as locations so that Paige and Jeffery can get ready. They will have multiple outfit changes so I want to make sure they feel comfortable and can change as quickly as possible between scenes. Speed is vital but so is making sure the product comes out the way we want it to. I’ve also made sure that the people who live here won’t be present during our filming period to try and prevent and possible disturbances. Everyone will be arriving here around 10 am and we will kickstart filming. Jeffery is ubering here and Brooke will be picking up Paige and Kelly. Brooke and Kelly have the props so we will she them up once they arrive. My house is now fully prepared so filming can start as soon as possible. Filming will be time consuming but fun. I can’t believe the day is finally here!
Friday, December 18, 2020
Final Preparations
My group and I are just a couple days away from filming our short movie. Final precautions and adjustments are being made right now. Filming will now be on December 21. It is only 2 days after our original day and break gives us more flexibility. This slight delay is because something came up so Kelly can’t go Saturday and Paige is filming her music video Sunday. Kelly is bringing half of our props including the letters which is vital to our project so she needs to be present. Paige is the main actress and the most vital piece. This means Monday is our next available date and is our set in stone date. In a previous blog I mention things can change because of how spontaneous 2020 is and of course, the worst happened. Someone in Aaron’s family has possibly been exposed to Covid. Aaron is our main actor so this was a huge blow. He is going to get tested but we still don’t want to risk anything so our backup Jeffery will be taking his place. He gets tested once every week and has come back negative so he is good to go. The script has already been given out to Paige and I sent it to Jeffery just incase so we are prepared for the 21st. Brooke is bring out second half of the props. I will be preparing my house and make sure it’s filming ready. Our actors have been told to bring multiple outfits for the different scenes. Filming will take place from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Everything is set in stone now with filming approaching. In my eyes everything will work out in the end.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Update and Agreements
Filming is just one week away. Since the last blog slights tweaks have been made to the script and may continue to be made prior to filming. Only minor things such as dialogue. Of course are actors are allowed to improvise especially seeing that improvising leads to some of the best moments in films. My group and I have decided that once we film we will film with Brooke’s phone. She will be getting a new phone prior to filming and the camera quality is really good. This will make our film look so much better. Other then that we are making sure to take Covid precautions. We have agreed that none of us will travel anywhere that is not needed. We do not want the possible risk of Covid postponing our filming. I’m taking this extra serious seeing that we’ll be filming at my house so I can’t risk exposure or else are filming location is gone. Typically I go to my moms house during the week but will be staying at my dads this week in order to limit contact I have with people. Our main actors Paige and Aaron have been asked to be careful as well because they are just as vital to our filming. I’ve also asked our backup Jeffery to be careful incase anything happens with Aaron. I’m also trying to figure out how we can prevent as much contact as possible during filming. I’ll come up with something before and most of our scenes don’t involve much contact so we should be fine. Once my neighbor is available I plan on asking him permission on if we can be on his property for a couple of scenes. We have a good relationship so I expect him to say yes. Other then that we now wait for the fast approaching filming day. Let’s hope everything goes as planned.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Full steam ahead
Now that we’re in December it’s time to get kick start this filming. We originally were set to film over the weekends before our winter break. It’s now been decided that we will film once winter break begins. This is because right now we have to juggle school, possibly work, and family. Midterms are also coming up so our attention has to be put towards multiple classes. Once break starts we’ll all be free for the beginning period. Hopefully filming will begin on the first day of break which is Saturday, December 19. However, you never know what can happen, especially in 2020. Right now final confirmations are being made with our actors to make sure they’ll be able to be in our film. A change had been made in the script in which I won’t be playing the neighbor anymore. I believe that my friend Aaron’s acting ability is better than mine so if everything goes our way he will be taking that role. I personally will be staying home as much as I can to diminish the risk of catching Covid. At this point in our process one of us catching Covid can pushback filming tremendously. Because of that we have backups incase our friend Aaron and Paige can’t star in our film. I reached out to my friend Jeffery and he said he is fine with stepping in for Aaron if he has to. With this time left final adjustments will be made to the script to make sure it’s to the caliber we want it to be at. A couple days ago I got permission from my dad allowing us to film at our house so the location is now fully secured. In the coming days the script will be sent out to the actors so they can memorize the the lines. At this point everything is set in stone and we are right on track. I can’t wait for when we officially film!