Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

        Hey, my name is Leonardo. I’m currently 15 and a sophomore. I would say im an outgoing and a funny person. Im also a really good listener when it comes to listening to people’s problems and helping them dealing with it. I enjoy hanging out with friends, whether it be going to the pool or hanging out at someone’s house. These tend to occupy my weekend and it’s honestly pretty enjoyable. A lot has changed since the beginning of the year. New classes, new friends, some good times, some bad times, and much more. In this project i will be working with Brooke and Madeline. I’ve worked with them throughout this school year in this class and I think we’re a pretty good team.
        Over this year i’ve learned a lot of skills and things about filming in this class.  I’ve learned how to properly use a camera to film but this isn’t my strongest point. I have gotten more creative when it comes to camera angles and shots. I learned all the names for specific camera angles and shots. I’ve gotten way better at acting since the beginning of the year. I was the main actor for our second project so it really strengthened my skills. I’ve learned storyboarding and how crucial it is to filming a story. I’ve also learned how to edit. Editing is such an important process and I would say this is my best skill. I’ve really improved at editing and i’m excited to use it for this project.
        For this project we have to come up with three pitches. A pitch is a hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. A pitch is usually one sentence. We came up with a couple of pitch ideas for this project. We narrowed it down to 3 ideas:
* ”A person gets drunk the night before and wakes up with blood on their hands. What happened the night before?”
* “Person is planning an attack and commits it, someone sees and he can’t let him get away. Will he catch him or will he get ratted out?”
* “Person has a startling dream about a family member being taken but when they wake up they’re gone. Did they run or way or were they kidnapped?”

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