Friday, November 22, 2019

Planning Blog for Music Video

        Today we’re currently planning for our music video. This is essential so we can have a smooth process once we start filming. A plan last time helped us tremendously, so we’re sure it’ll help us this time. The main parts of our planning involves location, health & safety, props, costumes, and our schedule.
1. Location-  We have a couple of locations we plan on filming at. One of the locations would be at our group member Leo’s house. A couple of our scenes involve him waking up so we plan on filming in his house. We’ll also be filming around the exterior of his house. We will also film around his neighborhood for scenes possibly involving the road. We will also be filing at the part for the second half of the music video.
2. Health & Safety- When it comes to health and safety, there are some precautions. We plan on filming some scenes in a car. Since we plan on filming in a car, we will wear seatbelts as a precaution incase we have to drive. In that situation, we’ll have an adult present just incase. If we have to walk and cross any roads, we’ll check both sides and make sure no cars are coming.
3. Props- We’ll be using a couple of props during the filming. We’ll need a car. This is for certain scenes where it talks about the way a car smells and talks about traffic. We’ll also need a phone for our beginning scene. We’ll need it to show the time, which is needed for our opening scene.
4. Costumes- For the music videos there aren’t that many costumes we will need. For the first couple of scenes we may need our group member Leo to wear sleeping attire. That would consist of gym shorts and a shirt. For the rest we will all be in normal attire. That will most likely be jeans, shirts, and sneakers. Our music video is essentially showing teenagers so that’s why it will be normal attire.
5. Schedule- Our schedule may change based on availability. Right now we have three dates we can all possibly film. Those dates are November 27, November 29 and December 1. These are the only dates where we can all most likely get together. We plan on editing the following week during our class periods and at home.

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