Thursday, November 7, 2019

Editing Blog 2

        These past 2 days we finally got computers that allowed us to edit. Last time pinnacle studios wasn’t working and all the technology was messing up. I was so happy that we would finally be able to edit. The first day that we had a computer to edit on we had to figure out how to get our footage onto pinnacle studies. With the other computers we had a folder with our footage, but now it was all on our google drive so we didn’t know what to do from there. The first thing I did was log onto my google drive since that’s the one we were using.  We all tried thinking of what to do and then decided that we should just download all the footage. The footage got downloaded and then we figured out we could just put it in a folder. Once the footage was all imported I looked through every single clip with my group members. This took a while since each scene had a couple of takes.
        Just trying to figure everything out and import had taken us about twenty minutes of the class time we had. The first thing we did was go through our opening clip which was Madeline walking onto the track. Since all the footage was on my google drive I had already gone through it earlier. This meant that I had some knowledge on which clips we should use for our commercial. I told Brooke to go use the second take since I knew the first take was essentially a blooper. Now we went to look at the next takes which were of madeline unzipping the duffle bag. I grew a little frustrated since the footage in pinnacle studios kept lagging. After the best clip was chosen we essentially did that for the whole period. I noticed that we didn’t have that much time left and grew a little worried that we wouldn’t be able to finish next class. I made sure everything was saved, logged out, and then carried on with the day.
        Today, I quickly went to class because I knew we would have less time to work on the commercial today. I grabbed the computer and logged onto my account since that’s what everything was on. Another group came and interrupted us since apparently their footage was also on that computer, so I had to log out and wait for them to finish. After that I logged back into my account and waited for Brooke to open pinnacle studios. Pinnacle studios was taking a while to open so I started to panic since it wouldn’t open. My group members kept trying to get it to start while I asked someone else if they knew what we could do. I went to grab another computer but was disappointed since that meant all the editing we did on the other computer was for nothing. Technology failed us once again so we prepared to work on it during the weekend. The good thing is that we weren’t that far along so it’s not as big of a struggle then it could’ve been. My group members and I plan on FaceTiming this weekend and finishing the editing.

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