This weekend was the first opportunity we were given to film. Unfortunately, my group and I couldn’t film over the weekend. I was busy during the weekend doing things both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I was helping my mom watch my little sister and on Sunday I was running errands with my dad while also having to study for a chemistry test. Sometimes family takes priority over things like this and we still have more chances to film so I think it was fine that we didn’t film this weekend.My group and I had also discussed the unlikely hood of us being able to film over the weekend, so we didn’t end up checking out any equipment such as the tripod. With that being the case, even if availability for us to film became available, we would’ve been vastly underprepared. We still have thanksgiving break to film and the week after to edit so as long as we don’t procrastinate we’ll be fine. We have a plan for which day we plan on filming and in what order we want film. In reality, i’m not that stressed seeing that we have so much time left.
I plan on filming with my group on 11/29. We all have pretty busy schedules seeing that it’s thanksgiving break and that’s one of the only days we’re all available. I’m personally busy on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, which makes Friday the best chance to film. There are some small parts of the music video that we can film on our own, so I’ll probably try and get the best shot i can for those parts before we edit. I’m prepared to film on 11/29 unlike this weekend. We have a plan on around what time we’re gonna meet up, where we’re gonna meet up, and where we’re going to film. This will allow for a smooth process once we get our first real opportunity to film. Filming then also allows us to have approval form our parents which is very important when it comes to this. If we are unable to get all our shots done due to maybe the sun setting early, we will still have Sunday to film. We have time in our hands so everything will work out.
Just because I couldn’t film over the weekend doesn’t mean I did nothing at all. I personally brainstormed some more ideas on how we may edit the music video. Editing is a crucial part so the more ideas the better chances that the video could look nicer. I also happen to be the main person being filmed this time around. This caused me to try and decide what I wanted my costume to be. In the beginning of the music video i’m wearing sleepwear but after that i’m in normal clothing. I decided on what costume I would do for the sleepwear but I only thought of some possible outfit combinations for the normal clothing. Overall, my group and I weren’t able to film this weekend, but I was still able to get things done that will help once we start filming. Complications arise sometimes but that won’t stop us from doing what we have to do. I’m just really excited to finally start filming this music video!