Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Codes and Conventions

Today we got assigned our commercial project. We were given an option of up to four people in a group and we decided to work as a group of three. Our teachers gave us three options to choose from for our commercial. The options were a list of products, an anti-vaping campaign, or a commercial about our school. We decided to look at the list of products and ended up choosing to do a gatorade commercial.  Right now we have to research the codes and conventions that are typically in gatorade commercials.
    Our group was unsure of what codes and conventions were so we started off by figuring out what they mean. Some examples of codes in gatorade commercials would be the setting, objects, clothing, and captions. The setting is normally at a sports field or in a gym. The objects are typically things that show the product like gatorade bottles and athletes. The athletes are usually shown drinking the product and then playing a sport. They’re shown as working hard after drinking the gatorade, which seems like it gives them energy. Clothing that the actors in the commercials wear are typically sports attire and athletics wear. The captions are their slogans or message they’re trying to get across about gatorade.
       The conventions in gatorade commercials involve the camera angles, editing, lighting, and sound/music. They normally show close up angles of athletes and sometimes of them drinking the gatorade. The close ups are typically them preparing for what they’re about to do. The lighting is usually dim in certain scenes. The camera is often moving to show the actions that are going on and is never really still. The sound/music in these commercials are normally intense. The sound shows that there’s a lot of action going on or that they’re working harder. All of this is typically after drinking the gatorade. They use the sound effects of crowds to intensify the importance and excitement of the commercial. This is what compiles a gatorade commercial.

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